German tank commanders

German tank commanders

Monday, June 7, 2010

Journal Entry 2.

Monday June 19, 1918
My name is Shane Halladay II,
Really tired and exhausted, I fought many battles and a big world war over the last few years. I've been awarded many awards for my performance in battles. I've gained reputation for great courage, making quick tactical decisions and taking advantage of enemy confusion. During the war in Wurttemberg mountain battalion. I was wounded three times and awarded the Iron Cross; first and second class. Here is a list of the rest of my awards I've earned over the last few years.

1.Prussia's Highest award called the Order of Pour Le Merite.
(for capturing Mount Matajour and its defenders, totaling 150 Italian soldier, 9,000 men and 81 artillery pieces.)

The m0st horrible thing that has happened to my self over all these battles, was when I was captured by Italians. I thought I would not make it out. But in my mind, I kept saying "I'm not afraid". It was so dark and wet, no food to eat, it was terrifying. I was in the room, thinking that these Italians really wanted me dead. A few hours after being captured I made my move and escaped, but the majority of my staff was taken prisoner by the Italians.

this link is about world war

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